Fröhliche Gesichter

Vienna-Life Lebensversicherung AG

The optimal solution
for your asset accumulation
and private retirement provision

Vienna - Life is a specialist provider
for unit-linked life insurance solutions.

  • Security
  • Yield
  • Comfort
  • Strong financial center

Safe and reliable

Thinking across generations

Cross-generational thinking, is the guiding principle when it comes to the solutions of Vienna-Life. With our unit-linked life insurance policies, you have the opportunity to benefit from tax and legal advantages in a secure environment. Due to the large selection of funds, there are many possibilities to generate income and to lay the foundation for the accumulation of assets for your children and grandchildren. In connection with the location of Liechtenstein, the strengths of the insurance solutions of Vienna-Life unfold. The small country in the middle of the Alps, is culturally relatively similar to the other German-speaking countries, but it knows how to stand out especially in terms of political and economic stability. The country has no national debt and it has a AAA+ rating. The financial well-being of the people is anchored in the constitution here.

Stable and comfortable

Unit-linked life insurance

For the sustainable success of personal wealth management and capital protection, it is crucial to structure your assets in a targeted and intelligent manner. Particularly with regard to legal and tax risks. The products of Vienna-Life combine investment funds with the legal and tax advantages of unit-linked life insurance solutions. Thus, the advantages of both worlds are optimally combined. Vienna-Life offers 2 types of unit-linked life insurance: The Private Wealth Police (PWP) and the Vermögensbildungspolice (VbP).


By spreading political and monetary risk, you protect your assets.

Professional estate management

The PWP is also called "Foundation Light" because it includes foundation-like benefits for contract sums from EUR 75,000.


Have your assets professionally managed, Vienna-Life will provide you with an asset manager.


Asset structuring and political risk diversification give you security over your estate management. Starting with already monthly contributions of EUR 100.

Achieve your goals

By being able to select investment funds from all asset classes, you participate directly in the success of your investment decisions.

Special advantages

Benefit from the tax and legally optimized insurance solution.


Well-designed life insurance policies focus on low costs

20. October 2022

Vienna-Life Lebensversicherung AG combines low fees with a highly flexible, individual and profitable investment strategy in its life insurance solutions. Life insurance and annuity policies can be used for asset protection and retirement financing.   As of January 1, 2022, the guaranteed interest rate for life insurance policies was reduced from 0.9 percent to 0.25 percent for new policies. And according to a media report, insurance customers can expect the lower guaranteed interest rate for classic life insurance policies to be maintained in 2023. The German Actuarial Association (DAV), as the highest authority of German actuaries, had already issued a recommendation to this effect. The development is ominous: at the beginning of the millennium, the guaranteed interest rate for…

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